Kappa's Homepage
History of Kappa
Data model of Kappa
As a distributed DBMS
Kappa programing
IFS Kappa

History of Kappa

  • Kappa-I(1985〜1987)
    This was an experimental sequential DBMS, which ran on Personal Sequential Inference Machine PSI. It was written in ESP(Extended Self-contained Prolog).

  • Kappa-II(1987〜1989)
    This was a functionally enhanced version of Kappa-I, which had nested relational GUI and supported extended relational algebra.
    It was sufficient for storing and operating electronic dictionaries in natuaral language processing, mathematical knowledge in proof checking systems and molecular biological data in genetic information processing systems.
    An existing deductive object-oriented database language Quixote originates in Kappa-II.

  • Kappa-P(1988〜1994)
    This was a translation of Kappa-II in KL1, which means it was a parallel DBMS. It ran on Parallel Inference Machine PIM.

  • Kappa(at present)
    This is a ported version of Kappa-P on KLIC environments, which runs on commercial unix machines(Sun and SunOS). It is capable of parallel distributed processing. However, neither GUI nor extended relational algebra is supported.

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