AITEC Contract Research Projects in FY1997 : Proposal
(5) Applying Constraint Logic Programming Languages for Modelling Multi-objective Decision Making under Uncertainty
Principal Investigator :
| Dr. John Darlington, Professor
Dept.of Computing,Imperial College
- Background of the research
- Purpose of the research
- Contents of the research
- Project Organization/Research Method
- Resulting Software
Quantitative modelling is now recognised as the key technology
underlying decision support in financial, commercial and industrial
organisations. However, despite important advances, the practical
adoption of this technology has been limited. We identify two major
deficiencies that have led to this. Firstly the limitation of the classical
approach has been one of modelling. Both the specification and analysis of
the solution of real world problems are highly complex.
Hence, non-specialist potential users, such as managers, are discouraged
from formulating the problem or interpreting the results. Secondly,
progress has been limited by the lack of effective algorithms to address
some of these problems and the absence of good high performance computing
platforms to compute solutions reasonably rapidly.
Recent activity at Imperial College related to the above areas includes work on
parallel methods for decision making under uncertainty,
algorithms for discrete and continuous optimisation and
parallel computing research. A set of efficient parallel algorithms have
been developed for large scale decision support under uncertainty [1][2][3].
In order to exploit the power of these new algorithms for decision
makers in real world applications, a declarative modelling system
becomes necessary. We propose to develop such a system that
would enable
the specification of complex decision support procedures under
uncertainty using CLP technologies. Constraint solving algorithms
such as simplex algorithms for mixed integer programming problems,
the interior point algorithm for the quadratic integer programming
problem and the Geometric Gröbner base algorithm for parametric and
stochastic integer programming problem
will be integrated as built-in constraint solvers.
Logically specified decision problems
will be transformed into admissible constraints
which will then be solved using the underlying
optimisation algorithms on a parallel computer.
Selected Publications
[1] Darlington, J., Pantelides, C.C., Rustem, B. and Tanyi, B.A. (1996).
An Algorithm for
Constrained Nonlinear Optimization under Uncertainty. Research
Report, Department of Computing, Imperial College (to be published
in SIAM J. Optimization).
[2] Qiang Li, Yi-ke Guo, Tetsuo Ida and John Darlington (1997) The
Minimised Geometric Buchberger Algorithm: An Optimal Algebraic
Algorithm for Integer Programming.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic
and Algebraic Computation, 1997, Maui, Hawaii U.S.A. To appear.
[3] Pinto, R.L.V. (1995). A Logic Based Modelling Language and
Integer Programming Framework for Multi-criteria Optimisation, PhD
Thesis, Department of Computing, Imperial College.
[4] Pinto, R.L.V. and Rustem, B. (1994). Building and Solving
Multi-criteria Models Involving Logical Conditions. Advances in
Computational Economics (AICE), 123--136, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
[5] Guo, Y. (1994). Definitional Constraint Programming. PhD
Thesis, Department of Computing, Imperial College.
Multi-objective decision problems arise naturally in management and
financial decision making among a wide range of industrial sectors.
Problem specification can often be facilitated and made flexible by
allowing the decision maker to specify the overall problem at a high
level in terms of qualitative logic-based conditions that either
define the constraints or indicate the relative preferences between
the multiple objectives. This preference structure is often altered
interactively, as the user develops the model.
The proposed project involves applying
constraint logic programming technologies to develop a natural problem
specification framework for large scale multi-objective decision
making under uncertainty. This tool will enable decision makers to
define, control and refine the whole decision making procedure through
a user oriented and declarative modelling mechanism.
The proposed project involves the application of constraint logic programming
technologies to build up a modelling tool for large scale multi-objective
decision problems. The distinct advantage of the CLP
specification lies in its declarative nature and the
flexibility of abstraction, thus enabling operations research to
be effectively applied to real world applications.
A CLP specified business model can then be translated into constraints
involving binary integer variables and the resulting mixed integer linear
problem solved using parallel constraint solvers.
The major components of the proposed integrated and holistic
solution to the modelling problem will comprise ---
- A CLP based framework that allows the natural specification
of complex modelling and decision making procedures.
The modelling language will adopt CLP syntactical conventions but
will be extended with language constructs for specifying
uncertainty using a scenario based mean-variance framework.
- A methodology for translating such logic-based specifications into
an integer programming formulation. The translation method is
based on the correspondence between first order logic and mixed
integer problems (MIP), which have been investigated
in the mathematical programming community by Hooker, Grossmann and
Williams. For example, Hooker presented a close correspondence
between logic inference models such as the Davis-Putnam procedure and
resolution with the constraint solving algorithms in
MIP, Branch and Bound and Cutting-planes. In our work, we will
explore this correspondences based on McKinnon and
Williams' approach which transforms a logic specification
into MIP problems with inequality constraints.
- The modelling language will
interface with a set of parallel constraint solvers. The generated constraints
will be solved using underlying constraint solvers that have
been developed at Imperial College.
These solvers include:
- A Simplex Algorithm for solving mixed integer programming
- Geometric Gröbner base algorithms for solving parametric and
stochastic integer programming problems.
- An Interior Point Algorithm for solving
quadratic integer programming problems.
The whole system will be developed to facilitate
incremental expansion.
An open interface to a wide range of
constraint solving algorithms for interrelated integer programming
algorithms will be provided using the API (application program interface)
A WWW-based interface to support easy system
deployment. Using Java Applets the logic based
modelling language will be available via the Web.
This will provide a platform independent
client tool for decision makers. The solvers will
run on a high performance server. Using this
Java enabled Web-based client-server model,
the power of high level modelling and high performance
constraint solving can be integrated and deployed for
a wide range of business users to solve large scale
multi-objective decision making problems.
(1) Project Organization
Name |
Affiliation |
Principal Investigator | John Darlington | Imperial College |
Cooperate Researchers | Yike Guo | Imperial College |
Cooperate Researchers | Berc Rustem | Imperial College |
(2) Research Method
The modelling language will be based on CLP syntactical conventions.
The interactive features of the decision procedure will be
specified using concurrent constraint programming
metaphors such as ask/tell. Mathematical relations will be
modelled using algebraic constraints. A complete logic statement
(a statement without interactive requirement)
will be translated into a formula in a mixed
integer programming setting. The translation algorithms
will be based on Hookers and Williams' methods of
relating logic formula with formula in mathematical programming.
This is a non-trivial research subject. In particular, we
plan to investigate the effective way to represent
uncertainty within the logic framework and its
(1) The name of the software
Logic Modelling Language for Multi-Objective Decision Support (LML)
(2) Functions and features of the software
The software is a CLP-based modelling language for large scale multi-objective
decision making. The language provides a logic based specification
of multi-objective optimisation problems.
Symbolic relations as well as interactive
features of multi-objective optimisation is uniformly
modelled by applying symbolic logic and mathematical relations
are specified naturally using algebraic constraints.
The language is a specification language rather than a
general purpose constraint logic programming
language. It is designed to specify multi-objective
decision making problems under uncertainly based on the stochastic
linear/integer programming method.
A logically specified model will be translated
into a mixed integer problem which can be solved directly
by integrated IP solvers. The system is also equipped with
the interface to a set of constraint solvers including the Simplex
Method, Geometric Gröbner based IP solvers and
Interior Point solvers which will all be efficiently
implemented on parallel computers(The first two algorithms
have been successfully
implemented on the Fujitsu AP1000 parallel computer [2].).
The system will also include a WWW-based user interface to
provide an efficient and effective decision support
service for business users, available through the Internet.
(3) Structure of the software
- Structure of the software
The software comprises a Web-based user interface which is a
Java applet enabling users to access the modelling language,
a model language with a translation system to translate
logic formula into a mixed integer problem and an interface to
a set of parallel constraint solvers.
The interface as well as the translation system will all be
implemented in Java to fully explore the advantages of
object oriented programming.
If the resulting software will be a part of larger system, please
explain the relation of the software to the total system.
The system aims to provide a generic modelling tool
which can be easily interfaced with
a wide range of optimisation algorithms for multi-objective
optimisation under uncertainly.
(4) Related IFS programs (if any)
Although the software is not a direct application of
any particular IFS programs, it opens a new and very important
application of CLP, which is one of the most important
achievements of the FGCS project. We believe
that applying CLP as a modelling language for operational
research can exploit the distinct advantage of
CLP, i.e. its declarative nature and avoid its major disadvantage
i.e. the inefficiency of search-based general solving used
in resolution.
(5) Required program language/OS/software packages
The CLP based modelling system will be implemented in Java.
The interface to the underlying solvers, which are coded
in C and MPI, will be supported using Java inter-language
communication facilities.
(6) Expected size of the software
The expected size of the software is about 2 MB.
(7) Expected way of use of the software
- How this software will be used, who will be expected users
The expected users will include decision makers
in a wide range of commercial and industrial sectors.
The method of dissemination for the results and software
developed will be via building up a prototype of a WWW-based decision
support server supported by the parallel computing resource of IC Fujitsu
Parallel Computing Research Centre.
By providing a publicly accessible
decision making environment, it is intended that the system would be
promoted, improved and adopted by users as tools for their
- Advantage of the software from users' point of view
The system provides decision
makers with an interactive tool for defining, controlling and refining a
decision support procedure.
Together with the logic-based specifications, the
framework will provide a tool for management which would be easily
applicable, flexible and effective.
(8) Expected intermediate result at the end of the first fiscal year
- The design of the modelling system and a prototype implementation
with a simple user interface.
(9) Documents which will be added to the software
- The documents added to the software will include the language
definition manual, a set of work benches and on-line
help on the Web.