AITEC Contract Research Projects in FY1997 : Software

(5) Applying Constraint Logic Programming Languages for Modelling Multi-objective Decision Making under Uncertainty

Principal Investigator : Dr. John Darlington, Professor
Dept.of Computing,Imperial College

Applying Constraint Logic Programming Languages for Modelling Multi-objective Decision Making under Uncertainty

[Software Functions]

This software distribution represents the  achievement we have made in the
first phase of the project.  It includes the following packages:

  IPmodel : A logic modelling language for integer programming (in Sicstus Prolog 2.1 #6)

  mgba: An algebraic integer programming solver based on the minimal
geometric Buchberger algorithm (MGBA)

The technical details of the software packages can be found from the final
report of the project. 

The research is scheduled as a two years project. Thus, all the results presented in this software release are INTERMEDIATE. You may find, from time to time,
the progress of the research and the new versions of packages from our  research page   

[Necessary Environment]

The IPmodel runs under Sicstus Prolog 2.1 #6 environemnt and both cipsolver and
cipsolver run under Solaris 2.5 above with gcc compiler.

[File Configuration]

logicmodle/ ----- source code of the program 
  readme-logic ---   readme of the program --------- technical description (draft) 
  readme-mgb ----- readme  of the program
  Example-mgb ---  Examples of the IP problems (inputs to the system)
  Makefile -----   Make file 
  mgi --           Executable of the system
  mgi.c -----      Source code of the system