
*How to Use
 java -jar lmntal.jar [options...]                 --> start interactive mode
 java -jar lmntal.jar [options...] [filenames...]  --> load from files and run
 java -jar lmntal.jar [options...] -e 'program'    --> run a one-liner program

**Interactive Mode

Interactive mode will start when filenames are not specified in the command line.
The process to be executed can be given in multiple lines.
Press the enter key twice to finish the process and execute it.

The following list shows some interactive-mode commands:

 q             - quit
 h             - see help
 trace|notrace - set trace mode
 verbose [0-9] - set verbose level
 shuffle [0-3] - set shuffle level

Here is an example of an interactive mode session:

 % java -jar lmntal.jar [PRESS ENTER]
         LMNtal version 0.64.20040611
 Type h to see help.
 Type q to quit.
 Enter an empty line to run the input.
 # A=f(f(f(f(f(A))))), c,c, ( c, X=f(Y) :- X=g(Y) ) [PRESS ENTER]
 f(g(g(f(f(_4)))),_4), @601
 # A=f(f(f(f(f(A))))), c,c, ( c, X=f(Y) :- X=g(Y) ) [PRESS ENTER]
 g(f(f(f(g(_24)))),_24), @604


 -t            - trace mode
 -v[0-9]       - set verbose level ( -v = -v5 )
 -s[0-3]       - set shuffle level ( -s = -s3 )
 -g            - graphical mode (experimental)

***Verbose Level

Expresses how verbosely an LMNtal process is displayed.

   0: silence
   2: default
   3: print `proxy atoms' and contents of rulesets
   4: expand operators
   5: expand atoms (default)
   6: expand rulesets

***Shuffle Level

Expresses how randomly the execution goes on.

   0: use an atom stack for each membrane (atoms are selected in LIFO manner)
   1: default (atoms are selected in some arbitrary manner, not random nor LIFO)
   2: select atoms and membranes randomly from a membrane
   3: select atoms, membranes and rules randomly from a membrane

***Graphical Mode (experimental)

In graphical mode, a window is displayed that visualizes
the content of the atoms and links at the root (top-level) membrane.
Pressing space bar or clicking on 'Go ahead' button
will proceed the computation step by step.
Atoms can be dragged to arbitrary positions so that the graph
can be viewed better.
To terminate the execution, please close the window manually.

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