
Rules with a Guard

The syntax of a rule with a guard is:

Head :- Guard | Body

where Guard is a multiset of type constraints of the form: c($p1, ..., $pn).

Type constraints constrains the shapes of processes (or the names of unary atoms) received by the process contexts $p1, ..., $pn. The type constraint name c is drawn from a built-in set and specifies which kind of constraints is imposed.

A constraint of the form uniq($p1, ..., $pn) is also allowed. This is a control structure rather than a type constraint and used to avoid infinite rule application (see below).


Here is an example rule with guard:

waitint(X), $p[X] :- int($p) | ok.

This can be abbreviated to

waitint($p) :- int($p) | ok.

and can be thought of representing the following infinite number of rules:

waitint(0)  :- ok.
waitint(1)  :- ok.
waitint(-1) :- ok.
waitint(2)  :- ok.
waitint(-2) :- ok.

The following list contains examples of some type constraints that can be written in Guard:


Each type constraint name (such as int or <) has its own mode of usage that specifies which of its arguments are input arguments. The effect of the constraint specified by a type constraint is enabled only after the shapes (or values) of its input arguments are all determined. For example, $r = $p + $q proceeds only when $p and $q are determined.

The same abbreviation scheme as defined for atoms applies to type constraints when a process context name $pk occurs exactly twice in the rule. For example, p($n) :- $n>$z, 0($z) | ok can be abbreviated to p($n) :- $n>0 | ok.

Typed Process Contexts

A process context constrained in Guard is said to be a typed process context.

Avoiding Infinite Rule Application

A constraint of the form uniq($p1, ..., $pn) succeeds if each $pk is a ground structure (connected graph with exactly one free link; see below) and the rule has not been applied to the tuple $p1, ..., $pn before.

As a special case of n=0, uniq succeeds if the rule in question has not been used before. The uniq() test is a general tool for avoiding infinite application of rules whose right-hand side is a super(multi)set of the left-hand side.

Guard Library

The following type constraints can be used in guards. The + (input) sign preceding a process context name means that the name should appear in the head, while the - (output) sign means that the name should not appear in the head.

'='(+$u,-$v)                  - make sure that $u[X] and $v[Y] are unary atoms
                                with the same name
'='(-$u,+$v)                  - same as above
'=='(+$u,+$v)                 - check if $u[X] and $v[Y] are unary atoms with
                                the same name
unary(+$u)                    - check if $u[X] is a unary atom
ground(+$g)                   - check if $g[X1,...,Xn] (n>0) is a connected
                                graph whose free links are exactly X1,...,Xn 
int(+$i)                      - check if $i[X] is an integer
float(+$f)                    - check if $f[X] is a float
int(+$float,-$int)            - cast
float(+$int,-$float)          - cast
345(-$int)                    - defined for every integer (not only with 345)
'-3.14'(-$float)              - defined for every float
'<'(+$int,+$int)              - integer comparison; also: > =< >= =:= =\=
'+'(+$int,+$int,-$int)        - integer operation;  also: - * / mod
'<.'(+$float,+$float)         - float comparison;   also: >. =<. >=. =:=. =\=.
'+.'(+$float,+$float,-$float) - float operation;    also: -. *. /.
uniq(+$g1,...,+$gn)           - uniqueness constraint; checks if the rule has
                                not been applied to the tuple $g1[X1], ..., $gn[Xn] (n>=0)

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