Post-Conference Workshops
Two post-conference workshops are planned in the morning of December 12,
9am--noon. They will be forums of rather informal discussions, where
participants can learn and discuss interesting research directions.
Workshop attendance is included in the full (non-student and student)
conference fees.
Workshop-only participants are encouraged to pre-register using the
conference registration form.
1. Networking & Security: Birds of a Feather Session
[Organizer: Doug Tygar (CMU),]
We invite all ASIAN-97 attendees to make brief (5-10 minute) presentations
on recent results, projects, position statements, reactions, or ideas
in a special "Birds of a Feather" session devoted to networking and
security on Friday morning. ALL attendees are invited to present and
participate! This will also be an opprotunity for lively discussion
on recent work.
We will distribute a sign-up sheet for BoF session at the ASIAN-97
2. Concurrency, Distribution and Mobility
[Organizers: Jean-Jacques Levy (INRIA Roquencourt) and Catuscia Palamidessi
(Penn State Univ.)]
This workshop, which will be rather informal, is meant to be an opportunity
for people to discuss their recent (or old, and undeservedly forgotten)
results in the following, and related, topics:
- Concurrency Theory,
- Distributed Systems,
- Names Mobility,
- Agents Mobility.
All people interested in these topics are welcome to participate. Those who
intend to give a talk should send the title and a short abstract to
Catuscia Palamidessi ( and to Roland Yap Hock Chuan