July 16, 1997
Issue #10
(issued on Jul.2,1997 in Japanese)

Special Issue for the KLIC Programming Contest

  1. Introduction
  2. Programming Categories
  3. Copyrights
  4. Award Announcement
  5. Important Dates (Provisional)
  6. How to Enter
  7. Environment for Running Your Program
  8. How Programs will be Judged
  9. Inquiries
  10. Programming Subjects
  11. KLIC Programming Contest Host and Executive Committee
  12. Entry on WWW

1. Introduction

It is our great pleasure to announce here the holding of the KLIC Programming Contest for 1997. In this contest, we would like you to challenge programming in KL1, which is a parallel logic programming language, using its associated processing system KLIC in a UNIX environment.

For domestic users, we are planning to hold a KLIC tutorial seminar for novice KL1 users. Attractive prizes and runner-up prizes are on offer for outstanding and interesting programs.

2. Programming Categories

The KLIC Programming Contest is open to anyone who wishes to enter. Applicants from overseas are also welcome. However, please note that the first prize winner in each category from the last contest is not allowed to enter the same category as that of last year.

You can enter as many of the following three categories as you wish:

Category 1 : Sequential Environment

Category 2 : Parallel Environment

Please program on the given subjects in the above two categories.

Category 3 : Free Subject

Please program on any subject either in a sequential or in a parallel environment.

3. Copyrights

The copyrights for submitted programs shall belong to the applicants. For the winning programs, however, please note that AITEC reserves the right to use them without payment for advertisement purposes.

4. Award Announcement

The submitted programs will be reviewed by the evaluation committee of this contest according to its selection standards, and first and second prizes and honorable mentions will be chosen in each category. The award for each prize is as follows:

The winning programs will be featured on the AITEC Homepage.

Participation prizes will be given to those applications which pass screening by the evaluation committee.


The programs submitted both for the sequential and the parallel environment will be checked to see whether they run properly and whether they produce the correct solutions within a certain time.

The programs in the free subject category will be checked according to the standards set by the evaluation committee.

The results are planned to be sent to all applicants via email by November 28, and also be announced on the AITEC Homepage and in some magazines. We will hold the "CYBER" awards ceremony on the AITEC Homepage early in December.

5. Important Dates (Provisional)

6. How to Enter

Please submit your entry form to participate in the KLIC Programming Contest.

We can accept entries by email only. Please fill out the following items and send email to the following address with the subject name "ENTRY."
Subject: ENTRY
Please include the following information in your entry form:
  1. Name: If you apply in a group, please write the leader's name first, followed by the names of all the members.
  2. Affiliation: If you apply in a group, please write the leader's affiliation.
  3. Email Address: If you apply in a group, please write the Internet addressesof all the members.
  4. Phone Number: If you apply in a group, please write the leader's number.
  5. Address: If you apply in a group, please write the leader's address.
  6. Entry Category: You can apply for more than one of the above categories. If you submit more than one program, you must specify the category for each.If you have not decided the category yet, please write "undecided."
  7. Participation in the KLIC tutorial seminar on September 29 (Mon) (Domestic applicants only):

    Please inform us if you wish to participate in the seminar or not by September 24. If you participate in a group, please let us know the number of participants of your group. We can accept only about 20 people in order of arrival due to the limited capacity of the seminar room. The contest participants will have priority if there are too many seminar participants.


To those who enter, we will send you a return email including the contest details. You can also enter from the AITEC Homepage. (

The contest is open to anyone who wishes to enter but the first prize winner in each category from the last contest is not allowed to enter in the same one as that of last year.

If you would like, a KLIC tutorial text book is available(Japanese version only). Please let us know if you need it when entering the contest.

You can download KLIC turial text ( Japanese version only) from following ftp address:

7. Environment for Running Your Program

If you program in a parallel environment and you do not have the appropriate environment, you will be able to use parallel machines in AITEC (domestic applicants only), however, you will need your professor's recommendation to use our machines. Please consult us regarding the details. (

Also, you can make ftp transfers of the KLIC system from the following address:


8. How Programs will be Judged

For Category 1 and 2 (sequential and parallel environments), we will check whether the program solves a given subject correctly. Next, the algorithm, the elapsed time, the structure of the program and the documentation will be judged in order to decide the awards nominees.

For Category 3 (free subject), we will judge the program documentation first, then check it in the same way as for Category 1 and 2. We may ask the programmer to check the program execution on his/her own.

AITEC will use the following machines for checking programs:

9. Inquiries

Please check for the latest information about the contest and the tutorialseminar dates on the AITEC Homepage. (

Please don't hesitate to send email if you have any questions to: (Mr. Kaneda)

10. Programming Subjects

The programming subjects for Category 1 and 2 will be announced in late July.

We will inform you in the coming AITEC NEWS or via the AITEC Homepage.

11. KLIC Programming Contest Host and Executive Committee

The KLIC Programming Contest in 1997 is hosted by:

The Research Institute for Advanced Information Technology (AITEC)

of the Japan Information Processing Development Center (JIPDEC)

KLIC Programming Contest Executive Committee:

Fumio Mizoguchi, Prof., Tokyo Science University (Chairperson)
Kazunori Ueda, Prof., Waseda University
Hayato Ohwada, Lecturer, Science University of Tokyo
Jiro Tanaka, Associate Prof., University of Tsukuba
Takashi Chikayama, Prof., University of Tokyo
Keiji Hirata, Principal Researcher, NTT
Akira Aiba, Principal Researcher, AITEC

12.Entry on WWW

Please enter from the "Entry Form."

Please keep monitoring our KLIC Programming Contest information on the AITEC Homepage ( and AITEC NEWS.

We welcome and look forward to your participation in the KLIC Programming Contest in 1997.

*                                                                    *
*       A I T E C  N E W S      Issue #10                            *
*          AITEC NEWS Editorial Team:                                *
*            Makiko Sato, Chie Takahashi, Akira Aiba                 *
*            Kazumi Kasai, Kouichi Takeda, Yoshiharu Torii           *
*            Hiroshi Sato, Shunichi Uchida                           *
*          AITEC NEWS English Version Team                           *
*            Masayo Fukushima, Shunichi Uchida                       *
*          Issued on: July   2, 1997(Japanese Version)               *
*                     July  16, 1997(English Version)                *
*          By: Research Institute for Advanced Information           *
*              Technology (AITEC), a subcenter of                    *
*              Japan Information Processing Development              *
*              Center (JIPDEC)                                       *
*              2-3-3, Minato-ku, Shiba, Tokyo 105, Japan             *
*              Tel: +81-3-3456-3191 Fax: +81-3-3455-4877             *
*              E-mail:                         *
*                                     *
*                                                                    *
AITEC Homepage