(84) Protein Structure Prediction Based on Multi Level Description

	Machine:     PIM
	Environment: PIMOS
	Language:    KL1
	Source Code: 5 MB
	Documents:   User's Manual (English/Japanese)


This system is a protein structure prediction system based on MLD.



This system predicts a protein structure from the given amino-acid sequence. The method devised to implement this system is based on Multi-Level Description scheme, where the re- lation between the local structure and the amino-acid sequence at that region(primary Constraints) is first considered. Large-scale relations are modeled at large-scale levels, middle-scale ones at middle levels, small-scale ones at local levels. The geometric constraints between neighboring local structures are also considered. The protein structure is, thus, predicted as the optimal MLD that best satisfies the primary and geometric constraints.

The optimization module written in KL1 and implemented on PIM rapidly searches for the optimal MLD in parallel. The predicted results are visualized for further visual investigation.

