(43) Japanese Sentence Generator

	Machine:     UNIX machine
	Environment: UNIX
	Language:    CESP, SICStusProlog
	Source Code: 1.1 MB
	Documents:   Manual (Japanese)


Japanese sentence generator.



This sentence generator program is ported from the Japanese sentence generator which is originally written in CIL(Prolog augmented by a record-like structure, see [40]Lingistic Knouledge Description Language), to CESP and SICStusProlog. The sentence generator provides a function for generating a sentence form a intermediate expression. The intermediate expression is a kind of frame structure written in PST(Partial Specified Term). The sentence generator consists of two module, macro expander and string synthesizer. Sentence generation is done in the folowing sequence.

1. macro expansion
The macro expander expands each macro expression in a given intermediate expression,according to a corresponding expansion rule.
syntactic structure ganeration
After completion of macro expansion,the macro expander transforms the intermediate expression into a structure nested list called syntactic structure.
morphological processing
The string synthesizer transforms syntactic structure to a sentence according morphological rules.

