(38) Grammar Writing Support System: LINGUIST

	Machine:     UNIX machine
	Environment: UNIX
	Language:    CESP
	Source Code: 1.5 MB
	Documents:   Manual (English/Japanese)


An environment for supporting grammar writing.


┌───────┐│       ┌─────────┐      │
│Rule   ││   ┌──>│         ├─┐    │  Complete
└───────┘│   │   └─────────┘ │    │  Parser
         │   │     LINGUIST  │    │
         │   │               V    │
         │┌──┴─────┐  ┌────────┐  │┌─────────┐
         │└────────┘  └────────┘  │└─────────┘

    Generator: provides functions for creating a parser.
    Accessor:  provides functions for performing sentence analysis and result cheking.
    Debugger:  provides functions for debugging,tracing grammar rules,and correcting errors.


LINGUIST is an interactive Japanese language analysis system on CESP which is available under Unix. The LINGUIST computational tool was designed to assist the development of grammar rules written in DCG. LINGUIST can be used to develop grammar rules written in DCG and to modify them for use in many sort of application systems.

LINGUIST offers many features to make analysis experiments easy and comprehensive. These features include the following:

