(33) Morphological Dictionary for Japanese

	Machine:     independent
	Environment: independent
	Language:    C
	Source Code: 3.5MB
	Documents:   Manual(in Japanese)


Morphological dictionary containing 15,000 Japanese vocabulary


Dictionary is a text data containing the vocabulary described below. Morphological information includes part-of-speech, reading, and connective in- formation.
Indexing Program is a C program that generates TRIE index from the dictionary data in text format.
Access Program is a C library prepared for accessing the dictionary through TRIE index.


  Category      Number      Category    Number      Category          Number
  Noun         109,962      Interjection   169      (Particles,etc.)
  (Words except Nouns)      Rentai-shi      91      Particle,Auxiliary   428
  Verb          23,047      Idiom        1,018      Prefix,Suffix      1,440
  Adjective      1,495      (Sub-total) 30,350      Verbal Suffix        128
  Adjective Verb 2,595         -                    Kanji Character    5,849
  Conjunction      115         -                    (Sub-total)        7,845
  Adverb         1,820         -                    Total            148,157

