(25) Forward Chaining Inference System: KORE/IE

	Machine:     UNIX machine
	Environment: UNIX
	Language:    Quintus Prolog
	Source Code: 113 KB
	Documents:   Manual (English/Japanese)


A rule-based programming tool with a fast maching filter on logic programming.


On logic programming, it is important to speed up inference engines without sacrificing flexible power for rule expressions. In order to speed up inference, we make the matching process faster by developing a matching filter that is called a LHS filter.


The program consists of
  1. the rule compiler,
  2. the inference stepper for controlling the recognize-act cycle, and
  3. functions for representing rule actions.


By using the LHS filter, KORE/IE is fast enough to construct applications on logic programming. The performance of KORE/IE is comparable with that of the OPS5. The LHS filter is used to obtain instantiations without using particular mechanisms through a matching process in inference systems. The LHS filter can be used to improve the matching process and speed up the inference systems. In order to realize the LHS filter, we exploit advantages of logic programming such as an indexing mechanism and a mechanism for logical variable bindings. The indexing mechanism is used to speed up the searching rules and working memory elements in a matching process. The variable bindings mechanism is exploited to realize an efficient join computation in the matching process.


  1. Shintani, T.: A Fast Prolog-based Production System KORE/IE, Proc. of the Fifth International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming, pp.26-41(1988).
  2. Shintani, T.: A Rule based Consistency Maintenance for Subjective Judgments, Proc. of International Conference on Information Technology (InfoJapan'90) Part:2, Information Processing Society of Japan, pp.179-186(1990).

