Report for the
Evaluation of the FGCS Project

Alain Michard

Domaine de Voluceau
78153 Le Chesnay

June 4-5, 1992

next previous contents

I have attended the FGCS' 92 Conference and have observed most of the demonstrations 
which were presented. I also attended the FGCS evaluation workshop on June 3. It was 
my first direct contact with ICOT researchers and with the FGCS Project, although I was 
somewhat aware of the main research trends and achievements of the project, mainly 
through reports or published papers. 

As my personal background is not directly in the domains of interest of FGCS, I shall 
focus my comments on the issues related to the exploitation of the results (e.g.: 
distribution of software, follow-up to the program) rather than on the scientific results 

During its 10 years life-time, ICOT has succeeded into building a very original and 
efficient integrated system which can be used as a basis for intensive symbolic 
processing applications. Doing this, ICOT has obviously made some highly valuable 
scientific breakthroughs, recognized as such by the international scientific community. I 
feel that strong efforts should now be made to capitalize on these scientific and 
technological results. 

Main achievements 

As it has been pointed out by most participants to the evaluation workshop, the 
achievements of the projects are both technical and sociological. 

In my opinion the most salient technical results are: 

- a very high-performance parallel machine, designed for and around a concurrent 
logic-based language (KL1), and demonstrated with its complete Operating System, 

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