The Refereeing Committee
for AITEC's Research Funding Program in 1997

The followings are members of the Committee Members for AITEC Research Funding Program in FY1997. Remark that positions of the members are as of FY1997.

Committee Chairperson Dr. Kazuhiro Fuchi Professor, Keio University
Dr. Shunichi Uchida Research Institute for Advanced Information Technology
Dr. Takashi Chikayama Professor, University of Tokyo
Dr. Katsumi Nitta Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Dr. Ryuzo Hasegawa Professor, Kyushu University
Dr. Kazuo Taki Professor, Kobe University
Dr. Jiro Tanaka Associate Professor, Tsukuba University
Dr. Keiji Hirata NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Mr. Yoshirou Azuma Research and Development Office, Japan Information Processing Development Center