AITEC Contract Research Projects in FY1995 : Software

(17) A System for Evaluating Linguistic Resources

Dr. Yuji Matsumoto, Professor, Nara Institute for Science and Technology

Development and Evaluation Support System for Unification-based Grammars


Prof Yuji Matsumoto, et al., Nara Institute of Science and Technology

[Features of the Software]

The system provides an environment for the development of natural language grammars by showing the trace of the parsing process. The system consists of a Chart-based parsing system, called SAX, that runs with a Definite Clause Grammar by compiling the given grammar into fast Prolog code. The developed system, called Tk-VisIPS, shows the intermediate results of the parsing in a trianglar table like the one used in the CKY parsing algorithm. It provides the user with facilities which display parse trees as well as internal representation of phrases. This makes it easy for the user to identify the cause of errors in her/his grammar rules and lexical entries.

[Required Environment]

A Unix workstation with XwindowR5, Tcl/Tk (ver4.0), SICStus Prolog 2.1 (or 3), Perl (4.xx or over).

[File Configuration]

Expanded directory has the following directories and files:

/SAX : SAX parser for Definite Clause Grammars
/SAX/VisIPS : Interface programs for VisIPS
/SAX/sax_user : Configuration programs
/SAX/grammar : sample grammars
/SAX/Utility : utility programs
/TkVisIPS : Interface for parsing systems developed in Tkl/Tk
/SAX/doc : User manual of SAX system
/TkVisIPS/ : User manual of TkVisIPS

