GDCC is a parallel constraint logic programming language, where Con-
straint Logic Programming (CLP) is an amalgamation of logic programming 
paradigms with constraint programming paradigms. It is a very high level, 
flexible and efficient parallel programming language for problem solving. 

We demonstrate the effectiveness of GDCC in various application fields by 
showing several example systems. 


1) GDCC 
     Showing the basic features of GDCC by using simple examples. 
2) Handling Robot Design Support System 
     Showing the power and the flexibility of GDCC in the Design field. 
3) Hierarchical Constraint Solving in Parallel 
     Showing the power and the efficiency of GDCC by writing a parallel 
     hierarchical constraint solving system. 
4) Voronoi Diagram 
     Showing the high level and flexibility of GDCC in the field of Com-
     putational Geometry. 

P.101 Figure 1
GDCC System
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