a object or among objects. In such a case, users denote the timing constraints 
using temporal logic square 6. MENDELS ZONE adjusts Petri nets automatically in 
order to satisfy the constraints. This program adjustment means synthesizing 
an arbiter that is attached to the original programs. A completed MENDEL 
program is compiled into a KL1 program, whose execution can be monitored 
within the environment provided by MENDELS ZONE. 

P.100 Figure
RESULT We have developed an control system of a power station in order to exam- ine the effectiveness of MENDELS ZONE for the development of a concurrent system. This control system was originally implemented directly in KL1, and we developed an almost identical system using MENDELS ZONE. Based on this experience, we feel confident in saying that a real system can be developed using MENDELS ZONE. A comparison between two development efforts re- veals that MENDELS ZONE reduces debugging time although more time is needed for specifying and coding. This fact is an indication of effectiveness of verification based on formal methods. OUTLINE OF DEMONSTRATION We demonstrate the capabilities of MENDELS ZONE using the develop- ment example of the control system, and show the result of this development. - 100 -