Mary's Case: 

On a cold winter's day, Mary abandoned her son Tom on the street 
because she was very poor. Tom was just 4 months old. Bill found 
Tom crying on the street and started to drive Tom by car to the police 
station. However, Bill caused an accident on the way to the police 
station and Tom was injured. Bill thought that Tom had died of the 
accident and left Tom on the street. Tom froze to death. 

In this case, judging negligence in mary's action is not obtained by rule-
based reasoning. Such a judgement is derived from case-based inference in 
HELIC-II. The case-based engine generates legal concepts (e.g. negligence) 
from given facts by referring to similar old cases (Fig. 1). 

P.89 Figure
Fig.1 Arguments of Jane's Case
Fig.2 is one of outputs from Mary's case by HELIC-II. - 89 -