As LSI become more complex every year, faster routing programs are re-
quired. In ICOT, a new method for LSI routing based on concurrent objects 
modeling has been developed. We have implemented this on a parallel infer-
ence machine PIM, and have evaluated its performance.


Programming based on concurrent objects model 
   All line segments, including free lines and occupied lines on routing grid 
   lines, are implemented as line processes. Routing is executed by commu-
   nication between these line processes. 

   Master line processes control the communication of messages between line 

Applicability to large-scale data 
   Distributor processes are assigned to each processor to reduce the amount 
   of communication between processors. A one hundred percent wiring for 
   large-scale data (2746x3643 grid and 556 nets) is attained. 

P.47 Figure 1
Process structure and processor mapping
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