Flexible case retrieval mechanism 
  1. Case Retrieval with SME
    • SME can extract structurally similar cases to the given problem, if higher relations in given structures are same between the case and the problem, even if the lower relations and entities are not same.
    • SME evaluates the simirarity between functional hierarchy trees and retrieves circuits which have most similar functions as a whole even though the details are different. (Fig.2)
    P.29 Figure 1
    Fig.2 Example of Case Retrieval with SME
    P.29 Figure 2
    Fig.3 Speedup by Pallalel Retrieval
  2. Parallel Case Retrieval
    • Cases are retrieved in parallel by distributing the problem and the cases to each processors in good balance.
    • Speedup of about 20-fold is attained using 64 processors in the case of 22 partial functional hierarchy trees and 180 cases.(Fig.3)
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