
Execution of LMNtal programs can be visualized by giving the ''--gui'' option
at runtime.
The ''--gui'' runtime option visualizes the execution of LMNtal programs.

The following is a screenshot of four fullerenes (C60), each generated 
in separate membranes.  This was obtained by hitting ''Go ahead'' repeatedly
and then by ''heating up'' the graph once.  The membranes have been dragged
manually but no manual raveling of graphs has been made.

//** &//#23455;行時のスクリーンショット
//*** c60を四つ生成した様子

//起動後、Go //aheadを連打し、Heatuoを一回行った結果。手動でのほぐし作業は全く行っていません。膜は見やすい位置に移動しました。

//*** //26本の多重リンクをした様子

//*** //52本の自己リンクをした様子

//** How to Use
*** Main Panel

This is the panel where hierarchical graphs are drawn.
The main panel shows the current state of execution.
- The contents of a cell can be shown or hidden by pressing ''Ctrl'' and clicking the cell.
- The contents of a cell can be made visible/invisible by pressing ''Ctrl'' and clicking the cell.

- Atoms and cells can be pinned down or freed by double-clicking them.
- Atoms and cells can be pinned-down/freed by double-clicking them.
-- Pinned-down entities can be moved manually but will not move automatically.
-- They still affect other entities physically.
They affect other entities physically.
-- An atom will be pinned down by double-clicking it.
-- A hidden cell will be pinned down by double-clicking it.
--- Nodes in the cell will be pinned down also.
Nodes in the cell will be pinned down also.
-- The nodes of an unhidden cell will be pinned down by double-clicking the cell.
-- The nodes of a visible cell will be pinned down by double-clicking the cell.
- A node can be moved by dragging it.
//-- //ドラッグ中のノードは力学的影響を受けない
- The whole graph can be moved by dragging the background.
*** Log Panel (below)
*** Log Panel (bottom)
The log panel shows the text representation of the current graph.  For technical reasons, the whole graph is enclosed by a global (root) membrane.

*** Control Panel (right)
- ''Go ahead'': performs one-step reduction.
- ''Go ahead'': perform one-step reduction.
-- For multi-step reductions, change the number in the text box to the left.
- ''Show All'': show the contents of all cells.
- ''Hide All'': hide the contents of all cells.
- ''HeatUp'': give repulsive force from the center of a cell.
//-- //世界膜からも影響を受けるため、膜に所属していないノードも影響を受ける
//-- //実行中は残り実行時間を左上に表示する
//-- //実行するたびに実行時間が100ずつ加算される。
//--- 100は100ステップの意味
//-- //実行中もAttraction(引力)以外の力学的影響を受ける
//--- //より発散させたい場合は他の力学モデルの計算を切った方が良い
//--- //バネモデルの力は発散中に限りランダムになる。
//--- //ノード間斥力ははっ発散中に限り大幅に増大する。
- ''Stop Heating'': stop repulsive force.
- ''Take History'': record the history of reductions.  The previous states can be displayed by using the slider of the log panel.
- ''Take History'': record the history of reductions.  The previous states can be displayed by using the horizontal slider of the log panel.
- ''Show Link Number'': display the argument number of atoms.
- Show Full Nameにチェックが入っていると、アトム名が全て表示される。チェックが外されている場合は、アトム名の頭文字がアトムの内側に表示される。
- Show Rulesにチェックがはいっていると、ルールが表示される。
- Calc Angleにチェックが入っていると角解像度(最小の角度)を大きくする力を加える
- Calc Springにチェックが入っているとバネモデルの力をリンクに持たせる
- Calc Replusiveにチェックが入っていると、各ノードが重ならないように力を加える
- Calc Attractionにチェックが入っていると、所属膜の中心と弱いバネで結び引力を加わえる
- スライダーで拡大縮小を行う
- ''Show Full Name'': display atom names in full.  Otherwise only the initials will be displayed in the center of nodes.
- ''Show Rules'': display rules.
- ''Calc Angle'': maximize minimum angles between neiboring links
- ''Calc Spring'': let links act as springs
- ''Calc Replusive'': give atoms repulsive force
- ''Calc Attraction'': give atoms gravity towards the center of their surrounding membrane
- The scale of the graph can be changed using the ''vertical slider''.

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