Backup diff of Examples vs current(No. 7)

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* A Bouncing Particle [#p560bc2f]
* Bouncing particle [#p560bc2f]

 // y stands for the height of the ball
 INIT   <=> y = 10 & y' = 0. // initial state
 FALL   <=> [](y'' = -10).   // falling
 BOUNCE <=> [](y- = 0 => y' = -4/5*y'-).
                           // if the ball reaches the ground, it bounces
 INIT, FALL << BOUNCE.     // FALL is weaker than BOUNCE

* A Bouncing Particle with a Parameter [#z5246173]
* Bouncing particle with a parametric initial height [#z5246173]

 INIT   <=> 5 < y < 15 & y' = 0. // the initial height is uncertain
 FALL   <=> [](y''  = -10).
 BOUNCE <=> [](y- = 0 => y' = -4/5 * vy'-).
 FALL   <=> [](y'' = -10).
 BOUNCE <=> [](y- = 0 => y' = -4/5 * y'-).

* A Bouncing Paticle on a Curve [#j8167ade]
* Bouncing particle in a parabolic vase [#j8167ade]

  *  bouncing particle on a curve of f(x) = (1/2) * x^2
 INIT <=> x = 1/2 & y = 10 & x' = 0 & y' = 0 & [](k = 1).
 A    <=> [](x'' = 0 & y'' = -98/10).
  *     sin = f'(x) / (1+f'(x))^(1/2)
  *     cos =     1 / (1+f'(x))^(1/2)
  *  new x' = (-k * sin^2 + cos^2) * x' + (k+1) * sin * cos      * y'
  *  new y' = (k+1) * sin * cos    * x' + (sin^2 + (-k) * cos^2) * y'
 SC <=> [](s = (x-)/(1+(x-)^2)^(1/2)
         & c = 1   /(1+(x-)^2)^(1/2)).
 BOUNCE <=> [](y- = (1/2) * (x-)^2 => 
                 x' = ( (-k) * s^2 + c^2 ) * x'- + ( (k+1) * s * c ) * y'-
               & y' = ( (k+1) * s * c ) * x'- + ( s^2 + (-k) * c^2 ) * y'- ).

* A Bouncing Particle in a Circle [#xbf24e18]
* Bouncing particle in a circle [#xbf24e18]
 INIT   <=> x = 0 /\ 0.5 < y < 0.6 /\ x' = 2 /\ y' = 1.
                                       // the initial position is uncertain
 RUN    <=> [](x'' = 0 /\ y'' = 0).
 BOUNCE <=> []((x-)^2 + (y-)^2 = 1 => 
                   x' = x'- - (x- * x'- + y- * y'-) * 2 * (x-)
                /\ y' = y'- - (x- * x'- + y- * y'-) * 2 * (y-)

* A Hot-Air Balloon with multiple parameters [#tf906f5e]
* Hot-Air Balloon with multiple parameters [#tf906f5e]

 /* A program for a hot-air balloon that repeats rising and falling */
 // The initial condition of the balloon and the timer
 // h: height of the balloon
 // timer: timer variable to repeat rising and falling
 INIT <=> h = 10 /\ h' = 0 /\ timer = 0.
 // parameters 
 // duration: duration of falling 
 // riseT: duration of rising 
 PARAM<=> 1 < fallT < 4 /\ 1 < riseT < 3  
                        /\ [](riseT' = 0 /\ fallT' = 0). 
 // increasing of timer 
 TIMER <=> [](timer' = 1). 
 // rising of the balloon
 RISE <=> [](timer- < riseT =>h'' = 1).
 // falling of the balloon
 FALL <=> [](timer- >= riseT => h'' = -2).
 // reset the timer to repeat rising and falling
 RESET <=> [](timer- >= riseT + fallT => timer=0).
 // assertion for bounded model checking
 ASSERT(h > 0).
 // constraint hierarchies

* A Bouncing Particle with Magnetic Force [#a6ea3f5c]
* Bouncing particle with magnetic force [#a6ea3f5c]
 INIT <=> y=10 & y'=0 & mag=0 & timer=0.
 FALL <=> [](y''=-10+mag).
 BOUNCE <=> [](y-=0=>y'=-y'-).
 TRUE <=> [](1=1).
 TIMER <=> [](mag'=0&timer'=1).
 SWITCHON  <=> [](timer-=1=>mag=12&timer=0).
                // The magnetic force may be switched on at every one second
 SWITCHOFF <=> [](timer-=1=>mag=0&timer=0).
                // The magnetic force may be switched off at every one second
* A Bouncing Particle thrown toward a ceiling [#e682ba1f]
* Bouncing particle thrown toward a ceiling [#e682ba1f]

 INIT  <=> 9 < y < 11 & y' = 10. 
 FALL  <=> [](y'' = -10).
 BOUNCE <=> [](y- = 15 => y' = -(4/5)*y'-).
- In this program, the trajectories change qualitatively dependent on the initial height y0.
-- If 9 < y0 < 10, the ball doesn't reaches the ceiling.~
-- If y0 = 10, the ball touches the ceiling, but the velocity remains continuous.~
-- If 10 < t < 11, the ball bounces on the ceiling.~

- In this program, the trajectories change qualitatively dependent on the initial height \( y_0 \).
-- If \( 9 < y_0 < 10 \), the ball doesn't reach the ceiling.~
-- If \( y_0 = 10 \), the ball touches the ceiling, but the velocity remains continuous.~
-- If \( 10 < y_0 < 11 \), the ball bounces on the ceiling.~
- HyLaGI performs such a case analysis automatically.~
&ref(./Bouncing_Particle_thrown_toward a_ceiling.png,100%);